How to use the morning-after pill: A guide to Restart™
Jun 15
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Meet Restart™, the only women-owned emergency contraceptive on the market.
Prevent pregnancy before it starts with Restart™.
Our morning-after pill reduces your chances of getting pregnant when taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex (or if your birth control fails). No prescription necessary.
Enter your email, and you’ll be first to know when Restart™ is available on June 21.
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You deserve a Restart. With the same active ingredient as Plan B One-Step®, Restart™ is a safe and effective way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex – lowering your risk by nearly 90%. Anyone can buy Restart™ without a prescription or trip to the drugstore — no age limit or parental consent needed.
The TL;DR is that it’s inconclusive, but if you weigh over 165 lbs we recommend speaking with your primary care provider. Here’s what we know:
The FDA states that there are no concerns that would prevent someone from using levonorgestrel emergency contraceptives safely — regardless of how much they weigh. When emergency contraception is taken within 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex or birth control failure, it can significantly decrease your chances of pregnancy by nearly 90%.
However, there are some studies that suggest efficacy may decrease as body weight and BMI increase. If you weigh over 165 lbs or have a BMI over 25, the morning-after pill available without a prescription may not be as effective, and you may want to consider the prescription morning-after pill, ella®, or the copper IUD. If you have concerns about whether Restart™ is right for you, reach out to your primary care provider.
While everyone — at any weight — should be able to use the morning-after pill and trust that it will work effectively, we know that this is not the reality. As a team, we’re committed to advocating for accessible emergency contraception for all and will work to offer better options to our customers as they become available. We urge the FDA to approve a higher dose of emergency contraception that is effective for all bodies, regardless of size.
Side effects may include changes in your period flow (heavier or lighter bleeding) or timing (your next period may be early or late), nausea, lower stomach pain, tiredness, headache, dizziness, and breast tenderness. Read What are the side effects of the morning-after pill? on our education hub, Real Talk to learn more.
Restart™, or any morning-after pill with the hormone levonorgestrel, will not prevent pregnancy if you’re already ovulating. Because Restart™ prevents pregnancy by delaying ovulation, this means that if you take it while you’re ovulating it may not work as intended. It’s important to note that most don’t know exactly when they ovulate, so it’s best to take the morning-after pill as soon as possible regardless of if you think you’re about to ovulate.
You’ll know Restart has effectively prevented pregnancy when you get your next period, which should come at the normal time in your cycle or within a week. If your period is delayed beyond one week, it’s possible you may be pregnant. You should take a pregnancy test and follow up with your primary care provider for next steps. Read How do I know if the morning-after pill worked? on our education hub, Real Talk, to learn more.
Restart™ doesn’t impact an existing pregnancy nor does it negatively affect your ability to get pregnant in the future. Read more about this topic here on our education hub, Real Talk, for more info.
Yes! Restart™ is legal across the entire country. Because Restart™ does not terminate an existing pregnancy, but simply prevents pregnancy before it happens, you can rest assured that you're safe taking Restart™.
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