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Someone once told me that one minute on the treadmill feels infinitely longer than one minute anywhere else. Clearly, that person had never taken a pregnancy test. We all know the drill for waiting for pregnancy test results: read the instructions, pee on the stick, wait five hours—sorry—five minutes.
I hear it all the time, from women trying for their third child; to women hoping that, finally, this could be a result with two lines; to women who don’t even see motherhood on the horizon. One thing we all have in common: a need for some distraction during those endless five minutes.
Whichever result we’re hoping for, we all deserve a calm, stress-free pregnancy testing experience (spoiler: that’s why we created Winx Health (formerly known as Stix)). We’re here for you every step of the way, which includes that endless five minutes. We have some ideas on how to spend that time, and ease a little bit of your stress:
Mindfulness. Enlightenment. Deep breaths. Namaste. Whether you’ve meditated before or not, taking these 5 minutes to yourself to practice meditation can be more beneficial than you know. As it turns out, meditation is proven to have physical and psychological benefits to your health, and the only challenge is committing.
We’re here to help.
Winx Health has teamed up with The Dream Birth Company, a women-owned pregnancy, birth, and early childhood company to come up with the perfect meditation to practice in the five minutes that you wait for your results. This quick and easy meditation is perfect for beginners and will definitely ease your mind as you wait for those little lines:
It can be pretty overwhelming to get into meditating and incorporate the practice into your routine. Being alone with your thoughts may even feel too far out of your comfort zone. While it probably (definitely) will feel uncomfortable and weird at first, once you commit to a daily meditation and feel the results, you’ll never turn back. To truly commit, it helps to start with just five minutes a day and increasing every week.
If The Dream Birth Company sounds up your alley, they’re excited to give Winx Health customers 20% off their first session with code STIXDREAM. Definitely check them out, and let them know that Winx Health sent you.
There’s nothing quite like a warm shower to ease your mind. Add in a favorite playlist or podcast, and you’re in business. Give your mind and body an opportunity to feel clean, refreshed, and ready to look at your results.
You know that book you’ve been meaning to read but can never seem to find time for? I’ve been eyeing Chelsea Handler’s new self help book. These five minutes are a blessing in disguise: dedicated reading time! Your results will be there when you’re ready.
One of our favorite activities to help pass time: a coloring book! Channel your inner child, and keep your mind (and hands) busy while you wait for your results.
You can get through these five minutes. And, hopefully we can offer a little peace of mind with the knowledge that our tests are over 99% effective. Armed with that knowledge, and these quick ideas on how to pass the time, you will be ready for that result.
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