When to take a pregnancy test with an irregular period

Wondering when to take a pregnancy test with an irregular period? Knowing when to take a pregnancy test if you have an irregular period can be downright confusing. Pregnancy tests on the market today all boast take “3 days before your missed period” for best results. We're here to make this easier. Read on for answers.
How do you know when to test if you don't get your period once a month?
The good news is, you’re not alone. About 25% of women have irregular periods. We do too! If you have an irregular period or your hormonal birth control has stopped your period, it’s best to test at least 19 days after having sex. If you’re having sex on the regular, you can subscribe to Winx Health (formerly known as Stix) for peace of mind. We offer pregnancy test subscriptions that ship out every one, two, or three months. The frequency is up to you, and you can cancel or pause the pregnancy tests at anytime.
Our pregnancy tests also come in two packs. We recommend waiting a few days after taking your first pregnancy test to take the second. Levels of hCG (the pregnancy hormone) double in your urine every few days.
Why we take regular pregnancy tests with irregular periods
We've always had irregular periods. That means every month we panic when our periods doesn't show up exactly 28 after our last one. And did you know that stress can make your period late? That's right, late period stress means an even later period. We started testing every month or so and now we never worry about our periods being a few days late.
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Have questions about understanding your test? Here's how to interpret your pregnancy test results.
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