Five surprising fertility facts

when can I take a pregnancy test

Fertility struggles can often seem as mysterious, but they don't have to be. Struggles to conceive aren’t often portrayed in the media or spoken honestly about. It’s easy to scroll through Instagram to see endless posts of pregnancy announcements, gender reveals, and all-too-happy first birthday photos. What you don’t see are dozens of negative pregnancy tests, disappointing IVF rounds, and frustrating months tracking ovulation. But fear not! While fertility is complicated, it shouldn’t be intimidating. There are plenty of resources  and facts about trying to conceive out there to arm yourself with while trying to conceive.  We’ve learned so much from experts and new parents alike.

Here are five of the most surprising facts we’ve learned so far.

1. Women don’t have higher infertility rates than men, according to What to Expect
Both men and women can be contributing, and sometimes there is no sole contributor. So keep this in mind if you’re struggling to conceive or if you know a couple that is.

2. Sex positions have nothing to do with helping your chances of conceiving
Ah, the common myth that we love to debunk. We can’t tell you how many articles and Instagram posts we’ve seen boasting the “best sex positions to get pregnant.” As long as ejaculation happens inside you during your fertile days, it truly doesn’t matter how you’re doing the deed. Just make sure you’re experiencing pleasure ;).

3. It’s more common than you may think to get pregnant after turning 35
There’s a myth that once you turn 35, your fertility goes out the window. While it does get more challenging to conceive as you age, 70-90% of women aged 35-40 successfully get pregnant within one year, according to What to Expect.

4. STIs can have long term effects on your fertility
According to some OB/GYNs, some STIs can permanently damage your fallopian tubes. Even if you’re not ready to have a baby, getting tested is always a good idea. And then talk about the implications with your doctor. Knowledge is power, friends. 

5. Having sex on ovulation day doesn’t up your chances
Unfertilized eggs will only live for up to one day, so your fertility window is quite small. During the days leading up to ovulation, on the other hand, sperm can survive after sex for up to five (!) days and still be present during ovulation. So having sex leading up to and during ovulation can up your odds. Here's some handy information on the best time to take a pregnancy test.

Are you trying to conceive? If so, let us know the most surprising thing you've found in the comments!

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