When should I start taking a prenatal vitamin?

Prenatal vitamins are an important part of supporting a healthy pregnancy. They offer support for your developing baby and provide your body with the nutrients it needs throughout your pregnancy. Today, we deep dive into all things prenatal, when to start taking them, and where you can access them.
What is a prenatal vitamin?
Prenatal vitamins are supplements designed to provide the extra nutrients your body needs for a healthy pregnancy. The main difference between prenatal vitamins and regular multivitamins is the percentage and addition of certain nutrients that are vital before, during, and after pregnancy. So, only take prenatal vitamins if you are planning on getting pregnant, are already pregnant, or are breastfeeding. Prenatal vitamins have more iron, calcium, and folic acid to promote proper development.
We recommend talking to your primary care provider about which prenatal vitamin they think is right for you and your pregnancy based on your specific needs. Some options may require a prescription while others can be found over-the-counter. Each prenatal vitamin is different, so make sure to follow directions when it comes to how many prenatal vitamins you take. Taking too many can be harmful to your health and your pregnancy.
When should I start taking a prenatal vitamin?
It is suggested you begin taking prenatal vitamins at least three months before conception as some of the most important fetal development happens in the first few weeks of pregnancy, before you may realize you are pregnant. Taking prenatal vitamins should continue for a time after giving birth and while breastfeeding to ensure proper nutrition for your body.
According to Mayo Clinic, it’s a good idea for all women of reproductive age to start taking a prenatal vitamin regularly. Prenatal vitamins provide important nutrients that are essential for proper development during the first few weeks of pregnancy. Prenatals replenish folic acid, iron, vitamin D, and calcium levels in the body, keeping the body strong and providing extra support.
Prenatal vitamins help ensure that we’re receiving essential vitamins during pregnancy. Studies also show that taking a daily supplement can lower your risk of giving birth prematurely and even stave off morning sickness.
If you aren’t already taking prenatal vitamins you should start as soon as you get a positive pregnancy test result. Once you become pregnant, your growing baby gets all of its nutrients from your body, so you’ll want to make sure there is enough to support both of you.
It’s important to note that taking prenatal vitamins is not designed to assist with making you more fertile. There are some steps you can take if you are trying to increase your fertility. Studies have found a correlation between taking care of yourself and fertility. Things like lower stress levels and better sleep may be helpful when you are trying to get pregnant.
Where can I buy a prenatal?
Prenatal vitamins can be bought at most drug stores or online, but we suggest talking to your primary care physician about what type of vitamins your body needs to feel supported.
Winx Health (formerly known as Stix) is excited to announce the launch of our new prenatal multi with DHA. This OBGYN-approved prenatal is made up of folic acid, calcium D, vitamins C, D, and E, zinc, magnesium, iron, and DHA. DHA, or Docosahexaenoic acid, is a fatty acid that helps your baby’s brain and eyes develop during pregnancy.
Winx Health will deliver prenatal vitamins directly to your door as either a one-time purchase or as a monthly subscription. Regardless of where you are in your reproductive journey, Winx Health is here with support every step of the way.
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