The COVID-19 vaccine and pregnancy

The COVID-19 vaccine and pregnancy

There is plenty of information going around about the COVID-19 vaccine, some of it true and some false. Today, we will give you the information you can trust about the COVID-19 vaccine, fertility, and pregnancy.

What is the COVID-19 vaccine and how does it work?

The two COVID-19 vaccines currently approved by the FDA are from Pfizer and Moderna, both using a new technology called mRNA. Once they’re injected into your arm, they basically give our cells instructions to make a harmless protein piece like the ones found on the surface of the covid-19 virus. Once the protein piece is there, our cells recognize that it doesn’t belong, and start to build an immune response and make antibodies like they would if they were actually exposed to the virus.  So, they teach our bodies to fight off the virus without ever being actually exposed to it.  Since these types of vaccines don’t actually contain any of the viruses, they are believed to be safe for pregnant people. 

The COVID-19 vaccine and pregnancy

Being pregnant during the coronavirus pandemic looks very different from the pregnancy we once knew. While everyone is at risk of getting the virus, the CDC has announced that if you get COVID-19 during pregnancy, you are at a higher risk of severe illness. With information like this, you need to take extra precautions during pregnancy to stay safe and healthy. 

The side effects of the covid vaccine are the same for pregnant and non-pregnant people and include soreness where you get the shot, fatigue, body aches and pains, and chills and fever.  More people had side effects after the second dose than the first.


There has been some speculation going around that there could be a link between the mRNA vaccine and infertility. When studying the effects of the COVID-19 vaccine on animals, it was not found to have any effect on fertility or the chances of getting pregnant. According to the CDC, there is no evidence that the COVID-19 vaccine causes infertility or interferes with placenta formation. In fact, 18 participants of the vaccination study became pregnant after receiving the COVID-19 vaccination. 

In short, if you’re concerned about the COVID-19 vaccine affecting your fertility, talk to your primary care provider about your questions and concerns. There is no evidence of the vaccine having any effect on fertility or your ability to get pregnant in the future. 


The vaccine

There is limited knowledge about the COVID-19 vaccine and pregnancy. This is because none of the trials of the COVID-19 vaccine were done on pregnant or breastfeeding participants. This being said, 18 participants who received the vaccine got pregnant afterward, proving it is highly possible to get pregnant after receiving the vaccine. The mRNA vaccine is not thought to pose a threat to pregnancies as it’s unlikely that any of the vaccine material will pass the placenta and reach the fetus. It’s also important to note that the mRNA vaccine does not contain the live virus and can not give you COVID-19. 

Other kinds of vaccines are generally safe during pregnancy, and sometimes even recommended. The immunity that vaccinations can give our bodies sometimes also provides benefits and protection to the growing baby. For example, your are urged during pregnancy to get the annual flu vaccine, as well as the Tdap vaccine. Other vaccines like the MMR vaccine should be taken a month or more before pregnancy or in the postpartum period.  

Pregnant or not, we all have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. It’s important that you make an informed decision by reading up on reliable sources (like this one!) and talking to your primary care provider about what is best for you and your health.

With all the uncertainty going on in the world, your test results shouldn’t be one of them. Order a Winx Health (formerly known as Stix) pregnancy, ovulation, or UTI test or sign up for a subscription today. For more information, head to the Winx Health Library or send your questions to

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