Finally, wait 5 minutes for results. We know this can feel like an eternity, so we included some distractions to pass the time. Remember, don’t read your test results after 10 minutes as it can give you a false result.
Finally, wait 5 minutes for results. We know this can feel like an eternity, so we included some distractions to pass the time. Remember, don’t read your test results after 10 minutes as it can give you a false result.
There is no shortage of products for your health. However, which ones are helping and which ones are hurting? We sat down with our resident medical expert, Dr. Katherine Palmerola, a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist, to give us the scoop on the health products we shouldn't be using.
The vagina has natural bacteria that ensure a healthy vaginal environment — just like there is healthy bacteria in the gut (and emerging evidence that there are many other areas of healthy bacterial colonization). Vaginal cleansing and douching products (all of them!) harm these natural bacteria and facilitate growth of other pathogens that can lead to infections like bacterial vaginosis (BV) and yeast. You should not put any product in the vagina unless it is prescribed by your doctor for treatment of specific medical conditions.
Not all supplements are created the same. Since supplements are not FDA-regulated, there are varying levels of the proposed active ingredient in each formulation of a given supplement. Some herbal supplements can interfere with the liver’s metabolization of that supplement or other medications you may be taking, such as the birth control pill! Bottom line — be sure to share all herbal supplements with your primary care provider so they can confirm a newly prescribed medication is safe for you. And, if you are taking any medications (especially birth control pills!), talk with your primary care provider before starting a new supplement.
Did you know many lubricants (including saliva!) can be harmful to sperm and may decrease your chances of pregnancy? This is because some lubricants contain enzymes that may degrade sperm or impact their function, particularly the sperm movement. This does not mean that lubricants are a good form of birth control, however! The best lubricant for conception is the natural vaginal discharge, which increases in volume around the time of ovulation (resulting in an increase in clear mucus discharge you may notice!). However, if you need a little more lubrication, look for hydroxyethlcellulose-based lubricants which best mimic natural vaginal discharge and do not harm the sperm. Some examples are Pre-Seed, Uberlube, and even organic coconut oil.
There’s growing evidence that bisphenol A (BPA) can negatively impact all aspects of your health, but in particular can be damaging to your reproductive systems. BPA may interfere with the natural secretion and action of sex hormones, therefore interfering with egg growth and release (ovulation), and reduced fertility. There has also been evidence to suggest BPA may contribute to or exacerbate endometriosis through hormonal disregulation. Check out these tips to eliminate plastic from your life.
Vaping poses risks to your health from exposure to nicotine. Furthermore, there are limited studies to suggest that vaping non-nicotine products is safe — there may still be resultant damage to your lungs from inhaling these products. Given the insufficient evidence of safety, it’s best to avoid vaping for your optimal health.
If you’re anything like me, you don’t think about your vaginal discharge often. However, discharge can give you information about what is going on in your body. Between the smell, texture, and changes you notice throughout your cycle, your discharge is usually trying to tell you something important about your body and general wellness.
Vaginal discharge, AKA vaginal secretions, is fluid produced by glands inside your vagina and cervix. Discharge isn’t just normal, it’s necessary. Vaginal discharge keeps your vagina healthy and clean by cleansing old cells that line your vagina.
The discharge also flushes any unwanted bacteria out of the body to protect against infections such as yeast infections. By acting as a natural lubricant, discharge keeps the mucous membranes in your vagina moist and prevents them from tearing and forming sores. Most of you will start noticing discharge for the first time about six months to one year before getting your first period. This is due to changing hormone levels and your body preparing itself to produce eggs.
Before we get into your common questions, we wanted to share some disclaimers. First, having a slight vaginal odor is normal most of the time and not a cause for concern. Second, if you experience a strong vaginal odor (often described as “fishy”) or unique texture along with symptoms of burning or itching, contact your primary care provider for further advice.
Discharge isn’t meant to smell like flowers. One of the functions that the good bacteria has is to keep the vagina’s pH balance, AKA how acidic the vagina is, at an even level. The primary bacteria responsible for vaginal pH balance is lactic acid, which causes the scent of your discharge.
Everyone’s discharge is different. If your pH balance is off and your vagina smells tangy or fermented, your discharge might be too acidic. Things like scented products, too much moisture, and non-breathable clothing can affect your pH balance. A bacteria called Lactobacilli normally dominate a healthy vagina and can also be found in foods like yogurt, sourdough bread, and IPAs. Consuming food and drinks with lactobacilli increases the amount of acid in your body and can lead to a tangy smell in your discharge. Having a tangy smell in your discharge is very common and not something to worry about.
Sometimes, vaginal discharge can have a coppery scent, like coins. Usually, this smell is nothing to worry about. It likely happens during or after your period, as blood contains a lot of iron which has a metallic smell. You might also notice this scent after sex, as vaginal bleeding sometimes occurs as a result of sex. If the bleeding continues long after your period or sex, or it becomes itchy, it’s best to see your doctor.
A build-up of urine around your underwear or vulva might leave your discharge smelling like bleach or chemicals. Urine contains something called urea, a byproduct of ammonia that smells like chemicals. It’s likely that this smell is a result of dehydration. Try to drink a lot of water and keep your body hydrated, if the smell is accompanied by other symptoms, be sure to check in with your doctor.
A body odor or herbal smell in your vaginal discharge has been linked to emotional stress. There are two types of sweat glands in your body: apocrine and eccrine. Eccrine glands are found in your skin, palms, and soles and work to maintain your body temperature. Apocrine glands work by responding to norepinephrine, which is involved in emotional processing, and populate armpits and groin. So, if you are under a lot of emotional stress, these glands will be active, producing sweat in the vaginal area and causing this scent.
If your discharge smells fishy, you might have bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. Bacterial vaginosis is a result of an imbalance of the bacteria in your vagina and can be caused by new or multiple sexual partners, as well as a natural lack of lactobacilli bacteria. Trichomoniasis is a very common sexually transmitted infection that causes itching and painful urination. If you notice a fishy smell in your discharge, talk to your primary care physician about treatment options.
You’ll also notice changes in the texture and color of your vaginal discharge. Your body produces the least amount of discharge at the beginning of your cycle, right after your period, and might be more dry and sticky. During the first phase of your cycle (follicular phase), it will become more creamy. During ovulation, your discharge will be wet and transparent, kind of like an egg white. This is a good way to tell if you’re ovulating. After ovulation, it will likely return to the dry, sticky texture. This is known as your luteal phase and is when the progesterone hormone peaks in your body, turning your discharge from clear to white.
These changes in the texture of your discharge are caused by cervical fluid produced by glands in the cervix. The consistency and volume of cervical fluid produced changes as your reproductive hormones change. Your cervical fluid changes at different points in your cycle to make it difficult or easy for sperm to reach your uterus. So, during ovulation, the stretchy, egg-like texture of the fluid makes it easy for sperm to swim through.
Abnormal discharge is usually the result of a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, or an STI. Again, if you notice any itching, burning, or irritation with your discharge, it could be a yeast infection. Bacterial vaginosis will produce a grayish colored discharge with a fishy smell and you may feel genital pain, itching, or burning. With trichomoniasis, your discharge might be yellow or green with genital itching, burning, and soreness.
If you notice any drastic changes in the smell, color, or feeling of your vaginal bacteria, see a healthcare provider about your treatment options. For more information and resources on all things health, head to the Stix Library.